Friday, June 17, 2005

nouveaux horizons

I've graduated - finally! Enough of that degree so I may get on with me life. . . including DJing
I am spinning a set at Gallery 727 on Spring Street on Saturday, June 18. A few new tracks will be in the mix, although we've been so colossally broke (literally) that I have been unable to get new records.
I did pick up a fantastic record by Munit with a remix of "Shift" by Sylvie Marks and Hal_9000. It is so dreamy and booty-shaking.
I'm getting rid of many records, as I've decided they are crap. What was I thinking buying some of these? Duh.
Ellen Allien has a new radio mix. Go to .
See the new Harper's magazine for scary but important reads on the rise of the Christian right. This is fascism under a new but oddly familiar guise.